December 1, 2005

The National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) gave the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) a failing grade for their ratings accuracy.

Of course, wonderfully open-minded individuals like Joseph Liebermann support NIMF. Bah. As far as I have seen, the NIMF is a group of people and organizations that believe in forcing the rest of the world to follow their narrow moralistic view.  Looking at their Top 10 list of games to avoid, apparently they’re not big on zombies.  Maybe zombies are un-christian?

Fortunately, there is a silver lining in the form of a fantastic response from the ESRB that completely lambasts the NIMF report card. My favorite quote?

NIMF’s real agenda… is to destroy the commercial viability of games it deems objectionable. Unlike NIMF, ESRB’s job is to be a neutral rater, not a censor.

Good to see the ESRB fighting back.