In an earlier post, I described a class to handle redirects in Struts and passing parameters along. That technique is not necessary; as of Struts 1.2.7, you can use the ActionRedirect class instead.

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Very interesting idea of defining events such as mouseover, mouseout, etc. in javascript using CSS syntax combined with Prototype and

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One of the huge pains about writing AJAX applications is handling logging and debugging. Many Java developers use log4j, so something similar would be immensely beneficial. Of course, there is a SourceForge project called log4ajax that attempts to solve this very problem. Eric Spiegelberg wrote an article on describing possible usages of log4ajax for both client and server side logging.

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Struts Redirect w/Parameters

January 24, 2006

If you have a Struts Action servlet and you want to redirect to another page, the standard Struts technique is to return an ActionForward and setup an appropriate forward entry in struts-config.xml:

return mapping.findForward("success");

Unfortunately, this doesn’t provide a mechanism for passing request parameters to the target. So what can you do if you want to redirect to another page and pass some parameters along? You use an additional class:

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